Street Parking is always available and an option.
Parking Lots are available. The North Lot is located on the Northside of the church, and entrance to the lot is located on 4th avenue while the exit is through the alley. Secondary Parking is located South of 115th Street across from the rectory; entrance is through alley and exit onto 4th Avenue.
Park one car right behind the other and do not face the opposite direction of that parking lot so as not to block the entrance. Please do not leave gaps in the parking lot between cars. If you think you may have an emergency or do not want to get blocked in please park on the street so that the lot may hold as many parishioners as possible. The lot empties fast after Mass so there should be no worries of getting blocked in for very long.
A Blue lane is provided in the North Lot in the lane closest to the Church there is also a covered handicapped entrance located near the blue lane.