"In service to One, in service to all" the motto that the local Waterford Council K of C is active in our parish on various reverent occasions. They are your fellow parishioners and they live by the above motto. The Knights of Columbus is a lay Catholic fraternal service organization located locally in Waterford. This council serves both St. Augustine's Church as well St. Mary's "over the bridge". We are men and women of faith, action and charity. The K of C, undertakes these acts of charity because we see those in need through the eyes of faith that we live. The Knights of Columbus is open to all practicing Catholic men and women (Columbiettes), 18+ years of age, in communion with the Holy See, abides by the commandments of God and precepts and tenets of the Church. If you are interested in becoming part of this group, please contact Craig Colligan.
To support the local council a breakfast is held every first Sunday of the month at the Waterford K of C, 76 Grace Street, Waterford. Various dinners are also available during the year.