"O Sacrament of love, sign of our unity and bond of our community. Whoever longs for life has here life's very source. Let them come here and believe, unite with you and live!" - St. Augustine
AN HOUR OF PRAYER What is Adoration? It is availability by St. Augustine’s Church and many other churches to have the presence of Jesus available for prayer from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. Adorers each commit an hour of time to sit and pray with the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel, thereby making the presence of Jesus always available. Adorers may take one hour a week or one hour a day to sit in the presence. More Adorers are always welcome. Please contact our parish offices if you are interested in becoming an Adorer or if you are interested in the devotion. Stop in and spend time in our chapel with Jesus, He is waiting to see you. Our Adoration Chapel is open to the public, between 8am and 3pm, Monday through Friday. Newcomers can access Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel, during day hours, by an entrance on 115th Street, next to the rectory and right near the alleyway. Our South parking lot is across the street. A BRIEF HISTORY After the “Called to be Church” Diocesan decision to close area parishes, many traditional devotions and sacramentals were left without a home. The most important and defining tradition that St. Augustine’s has received from a local parish is that of Adoration. St. Paul the Apostle Church in Troy, started this 24-hour adoration on September 8, 1983, and in May of 2009, Fr. James Spenard, OSA, escorted the Blessed Sacrament from St. Paul’s to our own chapel. A limousine was provided for the protection and procession by the Sanvidge family. The Monstrance was elevated to be seen by all from the streets and was led and followed by the Troy Police department with another 35-40 cars following the procession. At all intersections, traffic was stopped for respect and reverence as the Blessed Sacrament arrived at its new home. A few years later, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel was renovated and beautified for this devotion. EXPOSITION AND BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.” This act of worship is available at various times throughout the year in addition to adoration. Exposition and Benediction happen every Friday during Lent after the Stations of the Cross and during the yearly St. Anne Novena and occurs at other feasts and occasions throughout the year. According to the USCCB, “Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament flows from the sacrifice of the Mass and serves to deepen our hunger for Communion with Christ and the rest of the Church. The Rite concludes with the ordained minister blessing the faithful with the Blessed Sacrament.”